
In 1899 the Camden Bicycle Touring Club was formed, so far this is the oldest reference we have been able to find for a Cycling Club in Camden

You can view the original newspaper article from 1899 here

Cycling in Camden
A meeting of cyclists was recently held at
Mr. Salter’s rooms, Argyle-street, with the
object of forming a cycling club. Mr. Salter occupied the chair, there was it good attendance of gentlemen present.
It was decided to form a club to be named The Camden Bicycle Touring Club.
The following were unanimously elected to the chief offices
Patron, Capt. Antill
President Mr. J. R Armitage J.P
vice-president Mr. Marony, hon
Treasurer Mr. R. Hoslm,
Mr. F Wheeler taking -the: an honorary position as secretary.
Messrs W Salter, Wheeler and W. J. Taplin were appointed handicappers for the month of August.
It was decided, after much discussion that the subscription fee be fixed at 6d per week, and that the dress of the cyclists of the club should be grey with cap and shield.
Fortnightly Handicaps were arranged for the first of  Which it was decided should be open to all comers, but subsequent handicaps to be
restricted to members of the club only
Friday; Aug. 11 5 — Road race from Sedgwick’s course. Trophy given by Bennett and Wcod
Friday, Aug^ 18, — Tour to Appin
Friday, Aug. £5, — Road’ race froni ‘Kirkham